Mom! You can breath! In spite of the title I haven't encountered a local prince charming. I just want to declare my love for the variety of exotic fruits available here.

This green Hulk-looking fruit is called guava. It can be eaten like an apple. The taste is bit more sour than a pear but very fresh.

Dragon Fruit is a beautiful and tasty creature that deserves it's fairy tail name. The whole package looks like it has come from out of space. The insides are bright pink with black polka dots. I must say who ever designed this fruit had a really funky style!

Mangosteen is one of my absolutely favorites. It looks like a child has molded it from playdough. The little pieces of fruit inside the thick but soft zest melts on your tongue with a heavenly sweet taste.

I'm not sure what this tiny thing is called but it is easy to peal and the taste is very nice.

Rambutan is a hairy fellow from the outside but smooth and juicy inside.
There is many more fruits still to be mentioned: the soft creamy papaya, the green mountain oranges and small bananas for example but I hope you got already some sort of tasting of the Malaysian fruit salad. For your information there is also apples available and my well known addiction to them hasn't disappeared anywhere even with this selection of fruits to choose from.
Terve Elli, mekin ollaan kasvatettu osaa noista tässä pihalle, itseasiasta täältä taimi kaupasta josta ollaan käyty saa niitä kaikkia:
30 astetta pohjoista on siitä kiva että täällä kasvaa suurin osa pohjois euroopan 60 astettakin hedelmistä kuten omena, mutta myös nuo sinun 2 astetta malaysian tropiikin ihmeet, tottakai vähän kitusasti molemmat noista ääripäistä täällä, mutta kuitenkin. Nyt kun vain muistaisi kastella niitä niin ne kasvaisi paremmin...