Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Papaya Pie

I decided to bake a Papaya Pie with the recipe of Finnish Blueberry Pie from my friend Rinna.
In our apartment we have a beautiful kitchen with nice stove and large oven. It is dreamy kitchen for making food. Little I knew that the oven had never been used before during its 5 year old history. When Raymond and Hisham came back from work they laughed "Oh! You took the virginity of our oven!". 
After the Papaya pie there was so much of the dough left I also did a apple and mango pie at the same go.


  1. Hei mahtavan näköisiä tuijottavia piiraita! Hyvältä näyttää NJAM

  2. Joo, papaijapiiras maistuis kyllä! Onnistuui näemmä upeasti. Mums!
